
Calabaza is a hybrid between a pumpkin and a squash commonly referred to as the Cuban pumpkin or Cuban squash. They are popular in Hispanic countries, mainly Cuba, and throughout the Caribbean


Chayote can be described as a mild-flavoured squash that looks like a wrinkled, pale green pear. It’s gained popularity as having a medley of flavours such as turnip, cucumber, and zucchini and can be eaten raw or cooked

Coconut Dry

Coconut emerges in the heat of the tropics and the year-round sun guarantees its unique taste. Coconut also has many uses in cuisine, from broths, to drinks or just eaten raw from the husk

Coconut Green

Young coconuts grow in abundance in Costa Rica thanks to its tropical climate. Harvested young and green ensures the flesh is sweet and creamy. Perfectly refreshing and satiating

Sugar Cane

Technically a grass, the sugar cane is the stem from which sugar is made. There is a thriving local industry for the unprocessed cane, which is peeled, cut up, and sold in small bags. Cane is juiced or just eaten as a tasty snack